Incepted in August 1992, Roshan Tara Model Higher Secondary School, Ghotki, is a project of Sindh Graduates’ Association. It is English Medium Educational Institute, with compulsory Sindhi from K-G classes. Initially, the school was operative in a small-rented building of four rooms with two teachers and 80 students at Mohalla Odharwali, near Qadirpur road, Ghotki. On Ist May, 1995, the school was shifted to its current own building in Kacha Sachal-Block on Northern Side with 10 classrooms on a plot of 01 Acre Land granted by the then Chief Minister Sindh, Syed Abdullah Shah (late). In 1998 the construction of Two Storey RCC structured Bhitai Block began and was completed within two years of short time period. The Kacha Sami-Block with 06 classrooms on Sothern Side was constructed in 2006 to meet increasing number of students. In order to meet further accommodation 06 more classrooms were constructed as extension of Kacha Sami-Block. After that the Kacha Sachal Block was replaced by RCC structured three Storey Building and Kacha Sami Block demolished and being replaced by Two Storey beautiful RCC Building. Currently the institute comprising on three beautiful state-of-art blocks after the names of Sufi Saints of Sindh Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai “BHITAI BLOCK”, Sachal Sar-Mast “SACHAL BLOCK” &Bhai Chainrai Lund Sami “SAAMI BLOCK” situated on Station Road in front of Taluka Hospital Ghotki. The school is aimed at high quality education for boys and girls with equal emphasis on academics, ethics and wide range of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, sports week, study tours etc. At first in 1992, this institute was granted the status of primary school and upgraded to the level of a Middle school, High School in 2001 and the institute was upgraded as Higher Secondary School in 2003. The school is registered with Sindh Education and Literacy Department (SELD) from very one day.
For about three decades, educational standard in Sindh particularly, the Rural areas, has been on continued decline. Institutes from primary to secondary and from secondary to higher secondary have lost their prestige and have more or less become a mere formality. Political interference and petty interests of individuals have made the situation bleak. The diseasestemmed out of inefficiency, indifference and self-seeking; is getting incurable day by day. Education, which is meant for talent development, knowledge dissemination and character-building of scholars, lost its significance and institutes kept on producing uncouth youth, having degrees in hands but lacking qualities of character and leadership. Therefore, Sindhi society fell into quagmire of political and socio-economic turmoil. Realizing the lamentable state of educational affairs in Sindh, Sindh Graduates’ Association stepped into the arena of education and set in a chain of 22 Roshan Tara Schools and one in Gadap, Public School Gadap, Karachi managed by Sindh Graduates Association(SGA) through a board of Governors, it was established by the Government of Sindh especially for the rural areas of Sindhwith sole purpose of quality education in healthy environment. Roshan Tara Model Higher Secondary School, Ghotki, is one of such most prestigious schools of Sindh Graduates’ Association (SGA).
Roshan Tara Model Higher Secondary School, Ghotki, has an integrated mission of imparting quality education; as well as to provide healthy academic environment so as to produce confident and courageous, disciplined and painstaking, efficient and skilled youngmen, having strong character and qualities of patriotic; responsible citizens of future Sindh. All endeavoursare geared towards the achievement of the noble goal of imbibing in them the spirit of service towards the mankind as adequately motivated and moulded fine young citizens.